Friday, May 21, 2010


There Are "IDEALS"...

And Then There Is "REALITY"...

The Balanced Assimilation Of These Two

Creates The Ever Elusive Phenomena Called


[Ortho = Correct (Implying Belief or Ethic) & Praxis = Deed]


To Capture A "Thought"

In Written Form

Is To Declare With Some Permanence

The Perception Of "Reality."


Out Of The Intentional And Quiet Moments

Within Our Soul

Come The Authentic Possibilities

For The Kind Of Activity

That Are Truly Redemptive And Life-Giving...

For Ourselves As Well As For Others.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Parent or Friend

A Parent Can Be A Friend To Their Child Only To The Degree That It Begins To Interfere With Their Ability To Mature and To Be Competent. After That... The Most Necessary Thing Is To Simply Be Their Parent. It Is Not About Being "Liked" During The Interim... Love And Respect Come Later In Life Because You Lovingly Guided Them Into The Fullness Of Their Potential...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Excerpt - The Eternal Now - Thomas R. Kelley

In The Immediate Experience Of The Presence,The Now Is No Mere Nodal Point Between The Past And The Future. It Is The Region of Divine Presence Itself

No longer is the ribbon spread out with equal vividness before one, for the past matters less and the future matters less, for the Now contains all that is needed for the absolute satisfaction of our deepest cravings.

Why want, and yearn, and struggle, when the Now contains all one could ever wish for, and more? The present Now is not something from which we hurriedly escape, toward what is hoped will be a better future.

Instead of anxiety lest the future never yield all, we have hoped, lest we fail to contribute our full stint before the shadows of the evening fall upon our lives, we only breathe a quiet prayer to the Now and say: “Stay, thou art so sweet,”

Instead of anxiety lest our past, our past defects, our long-standing deficiencies blight our well-intentioned future efforts, all our past sense of weakness falls away and we stand erect, in this holy Now, joyous, serene, assured, unafraid.

Between the relinquished past and the untrodden future stands this holy Now, whose bulk has swelled to cosmic size, for within the Now is the dwelling place of God Himself. In the Now we are at home at last.
Is it just me, or do the crystal clear images associated with each of the upcoming days, weeks, months and years, become less and less vivid and more and more of an obscure blur - gaining speed and losing clarity with each succeeding year I live? I need to take Brother Lawrence & Thomas R. Kelly's admonition and learn to live in the "Eternal Now."