Friday, December 26, 2014

Ingratiating Ourselves With Grace?!

Biblically, for the Christian,
What an eternal life and death difference there is between
Living in Christ’s Grace, Within the Culture
Living to Ingratiate oneself, in the name of grace, to the Culture
The Former couldn’t be more life-giving and orthodox
The latter couldn’t be more self-serving and deceptively hellish

Commitments Based On Visceral Intentions vs. Principle and Importance

It Used To Be
That If You Were Sponsoring A Major Event
You Would Advertise and Market 3-6 Months In Advance
And People Would See That Event
Mark The Date and Time
And Commit...
Today, We Still Advertise or Market For 3-6 Months in Advance,
For A Major Event
Some Might Note The Date and Time
And With Sincere (Even Determined) Intentions, Commit...
Something Better and More Visceral Comes Along...
So That Days Even Hours Before...
They Switch Their Commitment To That Instead...
Commitments Today Are Often Made
Based Not On The Utility and Principle of The Event Itself,
But Rather On The Allure Of Which Activity
Makes Them Feel Most ALIVE...
Which Tells Us...
Maybe We Are All A Bit More Dead
Than What We Might Realize...
Eph 2:1

Unbroken: A Reminder of Human Depravity

The family and I just returned from seeing Angelina Jolie's film: "Unbroken," which is based on a book of the same name, written by Lauren Hillenbrand. This is a film that touches on most of the essential portions of, the epic and amazing life of Olympic Track Star and former Japanese Prisoner of War, Louie Zamperini.
While the film was very good and inspirational, don't settle for just the film if you REALLY want to be amazed by - not only by a man with an indomitable spirit, but also, how an encounter with the living Christ brings about a miracle of deep and comprehensive healing; as well as, an amazing and unsurpassable example of forgiveness (Something the film gives only cursory mention of over all).
As I reflected more on the film and Hillenbrand's book, it reminded me of the immeasurable and unbelievable depths of human depravity, and evil that we humans are capable of exacting upon one another...
Thus, in a related sense, it also reminded me that of the many highlighted-big stories, that emerged out of the History of 20th Century (e.g. Advances in Science/Technology, Capitalism/Globalism), that THE truly big story was really the role that Totalitarian and Socialist forms of government, played in the hundreds and hundreds of millions of lives that not only suffered horribly, but also were lost through Genocide, Democide and War... It is the kind of Evil for which, a lack of education, relational marginalization and limited opportunity, are at a complete loss to explain...
Anytime an individual, and/or a relatively few individuals in government, ask for the kind of power (justified as: "for the good of all"), to fulfill promises that enable them provide, everything that is needed for everyone, then we should receive that request for those promises with great fear and trembling... Why?
Because those same individuals are either being deceitful and nefarious in terms of their true intentions; or utterly naive in their understanding of the dynamic between human depravity and power in human history (this is equally true for those who hopefully and blithely follow them)... In either case, depravity is always a controlling factor... The empirical evidence in the 20th Century for this truth is beyond dispute...
It is also true that many will confidently point to our great achievements as a species (made possible through God's "Common Grace") as proof for unswerving hope and optimism for the future... But these same individual's often ignore, how every single significant and monumental advancement made by us, have also been used unfailingly to prosecute new, creative, efficient and wider forms of human pain and death... The greater the good, a thing has within it, the more it equally possesses the capacity for greater evil as well.
Unfortunately and tragically, this sobering reality has not been a primary message in Secondary and Higher Education... But rather a continued, and pollyannic belief in the inexorable evolution of Humanity; and the "Humanist Spirit." Reason and Logic have always been the bedrock of Humanism, but the success of any exercise in Reason and Logic are predicated on the "Starting Points"... If the starting point is wrong, then the conclusions derived from Reason and Logic, will always be wrong too.
Thus today, in contemporary culture, the "soup de jour" is The Comprehensive, Federal Pursuit, and Dispensation of (humanely defined) "justice." Predicated merely on redacted or revisionist history, which may well end up being one of the most troubling, even terrifying projects in human history...
Notably, one could add up all of the evil perpetuated in the name of Christ in history... and there is plenty it; and then compare it to all of the evil prosecuted through (Benevolent?) Totalitarian Rulers and Socialist Forms of Government in the 20th Century alone, and there really is no comparison... the evil done in the name of Christ is barely a blip in comparison to the evil done by the aforementioned forms of governments... In like manner, and even more poignantly, you could add up all of the Good that has been done in the name of Christ, and then compare it to the all of the good done through Despots and Socialist Forms of Government in the 20th Century, and it becomes utterly and untenably embarrassing for them...
The problem of humanity will never ultimately be solved by bigger, "better" and more powerful (controlling) government, who's primary goal is to control the mind and thus behavior... but rather through a radical change of the human heart, in Christ...
By the way... See the movie, but even better, read the book!

Film: Unbroken -

The Infallibility of Non-Believers

In today’s Culture,
There are remarkably,a sizable number of Christian Believers,
As a means for exercising “grace,”
That have (in de facto fashion) awarded Non-believers
The revered status of Infallibility;
When invited to critique the Church, Christians and even Christ...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Human Actions and Explanations for Them

Don’t let us forget
that the causes of human actions
are usually immeasurably 
more complex and varied
than our subsequent explanations of them.
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot

Sincerity and Consequences

Our most sincere endeavors
Can often lead
To the worst, 
Of possible consequences.

For many in our culture today, the primary requirements for evolving, in our human condition are:
1. De-emphasize, marginalize and suppress any unique ideological claim or distinction about ourselves, that might offend, or risk conflict with others...
2. For those who refuse to surrender in any manner, their unique ideological claims and distinctions, still be fully, and non-judgmentally accepted by everyone else...

Unless of course you are a Christian, that faithfully practices a relatively orthodox expression of your  faith.

Using God To Restore Our Human Image vs. God Using Himself, To Restore Our Image

It Is Not The Purpose Of God
To Enable…
Or To Even Give Tacit Approval
For Mankind To Pursue, And Use God,
To Achieve Some Idealized and Utopian 
Image Of Himself…

But Rather It Was Through
The Sacrificial, And Hell-Bent-Work
Of Jesus Christ,
To Utterly… And Ideally…
Restore Mankind,
Into The Perfect and Idealized Image of Himself

The Danger of Earthy Grace

Biblically, for the Christian,
What an eternal life and death difference there is between

Living in Christ’s Grace, Within the Culture
Living to Ingratiate oneself, in the name of grace, to the Culture

The Former couldn’t be more life-giving and orthodox
The latter couldn’t be more self-serving and deceptively hellish

Saturday, December 6, 2014

It is a Counter-Intuitive Truth That:

Individualistic Moralistic Relativism 
Can Be The Most Inflexible, 
Uncompromising, and 
Straightest Line In The Universe.

The Problem With: "There Are Extenuating Circumstances..."

In view of how we often use the phrase: 

"There are extenuating circumstances..."

As a panacea, for assessing the destructive behavior of individuals within society...

Behavior destructive to themselves and to others... 

Just exactly where, is the rock-hard bottom, to that particular, all-encompassing, sociological metric?

Answer:  There usually is no bottom, and therefore, no real and lasting solutions...

Individualistic Moralistic Relativism Can Be The Most Inflexible, Uncompromising  and Straightest Line In The Universe.

"Authentic Love" In Opposition To Other Godly Attributes

It can never be a true or authentic Love
IF it undermines or compromises any other godly Virtue...

It certainly is not Christ-likeness

What Could Possibly Be More Diabolical*
Than to Turn The Attributes of God
On And Against Themselves?

* Cunningly Evil, In A Devilish Manner

The Role of the Pastor and the Church

A Reflection Upon Things That I Am Thankful For, On The Day Of Thanksgiving

I am thankful for:
1. My relationship with Jesus Christ... He is my Savior; He is my Lord...
2. My marriage to my life-long friend and companion Ruth
3. The blessing of my two sons Jeremiah and Jordan. They are men of faith and character; and they give us great joy!
4. My daughter-in-law, Becca Grassel. She is the daughter I/we never had, but we could not have asked for a better one than she is to us! She too, brings us great joy!
5. My loving church family. Truth be told, they are all more my friends, than I am their pastor... I am privileged and blessed beyond measure to have been a part of their lives for these almost 9 years! While I could do better, I love serving in so many ways related to my presence here! What a joy!
6. The many deep, honest, life-giving and authentic friendships that I have been blessed with - too many to recount, but you know who you are! Thank you for your unconditional love and investment in my life. Whatever character, faith and impact I have in life, it would be so severely impoverished without you!
7. The ability to be educated, to read, learn, think and write - to engage other minds enabling growth of intellect and wisdom.
8. My house and all of its practical and nostalgic effects... We have been sooo blessed materially, and we get to be a blessing through them as well!
9. My health and all of the things that I can do because if it: Learning, serving, relationships, walking/hiking/hunting/biking etc.
10. My pup, Sophie, she has brought so much joy and personality to our lives these past two years! What a great companion at home, when I walk and hike, when I drive to different places and at work as well!
Finally, for my life in general, for the privilege of life, my life as a husband, father, friend, son, brother, pastor, professor and citizen in the USA; and for the "Call" that God has placed on my life to engage and represent Him through, and live faithfully with, over the course of my life.

Pick Your Fights Carefully...

A Different Way of Looking at

"Unintended Consequences"

Faithfully, Yours Lord... Even In Brokenness...

God's Sovereignty + Our Submissiveness = A Redemptive Life

Creation vs. A Non-Mover Evolution

Brilliance In A Simple Form

"Justice" Outside of God's Standard of JUSTICE

When we pursue "justice" on behalf of others...
But outside of God's absolute standard 

For what "Justice" really is...
Then we may have unwittingly provided for others...
Subjective-Rational permission for our own annihilation...

The State of Mind In Hell

We must picture hell as a state 

Where everyone is perpetually concerned about 

His own dignity and advancement, 

Where everyone has a grievance, 

And where everyone lives with 

The deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.

C.S. Lewis 

[Are we really sure that he was talking about Hell only?] 

The Great Reversal of Truth In Contemporary Society

Truth is considered hate
to those who hate the truth.
-  Anthony Kladitis

The further a society drifts from the truth, 
The more it will hate those who speak it.
- George Orwell

Perhaps Another Way To Look At Hypocrisy?

Most systematizers
Stand in the same relation to their systems
As the man who builds a great castle
And lives in an adjoining shack;
They do not live in their great systematic structure.
But in spiritual matters
This will always be a crucial objection.
Metaphorically speaking,
A person’s ideas
Must be the building he lives in –
Otherwise there is something terribly wrong.
Soren Kierkegaard

Redemptive Suffering...

God's Greatest Act of Creation

God creates out of nothing.
Wonderful you say.
Yes, to be sure,
But He does what is still more wonderful:
He makes saints out of sinners.
Soren Keirkegaard

Solutions vs. Problems

It's not that they cannot see the solution.

It's that they cannot see the problem.


An impossible thing to solve, unless the starting points are the same... 

Winning the Inward Battle Ensures Faithfulness For Outward Living

Tyrant vs. Martyr

The tyrant dies
and his rule is over,
the martyr dies 
and his rule begins.
Søren Kierkegaard

Bias vs. Racism

It is true that we all live out our lives with bias...
It is equally true that many live out their lives as racists...
But to have bias,
Does not necessarily mean one is a racist...
But to be racist, 
Always implies bias...
Ironically, their can even be a bias,
Against those who are merely perceived as being biased...
It is the degree of bias that determines a racist...
Degree matters...
And in matters such as these... (particularly when using the suffix: "ist"),
They matter to a very great degree...

Utter Surrender to Christ

Thinker vs. Professor

Take away paradox from the thinker,
     And you have a professor.

Soren Kierkegaard

Multiple Intelligent Theory