Monday, October 5, 2015

God's Primary Means of Judgment

Be warned:
God's primary means of discipline for humanity,
Is to allow us to have exactly what we say that we want;
Even though, according to His Law, that is not what we need.
This is what it means to be "consequentially educated." When He can no longer instruct us, then He will permit our sin to do it instead... It is however, a much less gracious, but far more harsh master...
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
Romantic 1:28

Secular Progressivism - A Worldview

. The truth is,
Devout Secularists believe
Their program for the improvement of Humanity
Is far superior to the ideology of any Religion,
Including that of the Christian God (Even though historically, the existence of Social Progressivism would be impossible, without the Christian Faith).

2. Secular Progressivism (on the whole) is clearly the most aggressive toxic and dominant worldview/ideology within the American Culture today. 

3. Many self-identifying Christians in our Culture today, are in actuality, more akin (at their core) to being Secular Progressvists, with a Christian mantle; rather than being Christian in their core, accompanied with Christ-like parallels to Secular Progressivism (as they like to think).
Remember, the inexorable nature of a worldviews is: "There can be only one."


A mother lives
And therefore, exercises her right to choose...
An infant is terminated
Before they can exercise their choice to live...

True Salvation in Christ

There can be no Salvation (Temporal and Eternal) without Righteousness
There can be no Righteousness without Obedience
There can be no Obedience without Repentance
There can be no Repentance apart from an encounter with the Holiness of God, through Jesus Christ...
And this is the other side of the proverbial coin about why some deny Jesus Christ...
Some reject Jesus because they have never encountered a compelling representation of Him in the life of a Believer
This is True...
Equally True however is:
Still others reject Jesus precisely because they have had an authentic encounter [Charakter];* and the Cost is, quite simply, too great...
Inauthenticity often fails to allure...
Authenticity often drives away...
Notably, the second one happens far more, than many think.** Especially those who have made a living, by drawing attention to the first...
* Heb 1:3
** Including fellow believers

Imputed Righteousness

"Imputed Righteousness" -
It's blessed but painful cost,
regarded apathetically by believers in the Church;
and the eternal penalty for its absence, 
no longer compelling and relevant
to the unbelieving world...
1 Therefore, since we have been declared RIGHTEOUS by FAITH, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ... (9) since we have now been declared RIGHTEOUS by His BLOOD, we will be saved through Him from wrath.
Romans 5:1,9

Why We Need God's Mercy

A life of faith is replete with undulations, fits and starts, hits and misses... 
Which is why Sanctifying Grace is so important... 
Lord, be merciful to us all...

Christian Fundamentalism vs. Christian Social Progressivism in My Life

In Retrospect...
When I look back down the road of almost 30 years of ministry, I can clearly recall beginning it during the cultural height of Christian Fundamentalism.
I spent the preponderance of those 30 years seeking to correct the disastrous excesses of Christian Fundamentalism (I.e. pejorative expressions of "biblical truth") by teaching and discipling the Great Doctrine of (Sanctifying) Grace; as well as the vital importance of the authentic witness "in Christ," for the Believer...
It was through these two, legitimate and primary expressions of the Christian Faith that I sought sincerely to help establish "The Kingdom of God," and to give Him "Glory."
But in Retrospect, I believe there were too many times when I over-sold, under-delivered and simplified too much the fullness with which we are to live our lives for Christ...
And in doing so, probably played no small part with inadvertently misguiding some of those (some of which are on my Facebook friends list) for whom I was responsible for... That is... If I am honest, I gave some instruction and eager permission to commit oneself to be theologically out-of-balance...
Do I believe there was enough "sufficiency" and "responsible" teaching to fall within the acceptable broad stream of orthodoxy? "Yes..." But could I have done better? Most certainly "YES!"
So for those who have known me, and may have personally experienced my personal failure in this way, please accept my sincere apologies, and for the sake of Christ, devote yourself to Him in new ways, that will enable you to experience and live for Him in a more thorough and full manner. (James 3:1)
So, now I find that I am spending a significant amount of time, attempting and dedicated to bringing correction, not only to the imprecision of my woeful past, but also to the unfolding and toxic (a contorted Hegelian Dialectic) "GRACE ONLY," Zeitgeist (1) dominating both the sacred and secular portions of our culture... (2)
Looking Forward:
Should the Lord be gracious and kind enough to give me 30 more years in ministry, I can only hope that I achieve a better doctrinal proportionality (via media), than I did before...
For example:
It is a great Truth
To say the we must Love everyone;
It is equally a great Love
To convey Christ's Truth,
As well...
(2) Remember, what could be more utterly demonic than for God's Attributes to be taught in an out-of-balanced fashion and then used against each other (E.g. Truth in opposition to Grace and Grace in opposition to Truth),

Some Differences Between Social Progressivists and Conservatives

I offer this a bit "tongue in cheek..."
So! If my Social Progressivist friends want to post on social media, articles, videos and personal comments, related to perceived racism, opinions related to poverty and pleas to be open about things like Gay Marriage, that's fine and a cool and responsible thing to do...
If someone like myself posts articles, videos and personal comments on things like the selling of aborted baby organs and body parts, media socio-cultural hypocrisy, worldview issues and government accountability (on a whole range of salient issues)...
Then we are cautioned to be more positive, to check our (i.e. cite more responsible) sources and to come to terms with the facts that: 1. We are not as informed/educated, 2. We are not quite as naturally intelligent 3. We have not evolved as much as those who see things more clearly...
I kid you not... Those have been some of the responses I have received...

Not Truth, But No Absolute Truth is the Cruel Master

Many today resolutely reject,
The reality of Absolute Truth.
Because it makes for an inconvenient and dissatisfying Master
But there is however,
No more subtly pernicious and cruel master,
Than the "absolute truth"
That there is no "Absolute Truth."

Christians Should Never Disaffirm

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Future...
One day we all woke up only to discover, that our highest calling as a society, is to NEVER disaffirm one another's feelings...
If there is a "sin" then, it is to: "Offend."

Christian Theological Bifurcations

Where the Person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel
Are NEVER perceived as offensive.
Where all Non-Believers
Are ALWAYS "Truly Sincere."
Where the effects of the Fall
Resulted EXCLUSIVELY in Human "Brokenness,"
And not "Depravity."
Where the effects of the Fall
Resulted EXCLUSIVELY in Human "Depravity,"
And not "Brokenness."
Where Christians who "Fail" the World,
Did so, ONLY because they did not demonstrate enough
"Love" and "Grace."
Where Christians who "Fail," the World,
Did so ONLY because they did not teach
Eternal "Truths" and "Holiness."
Where insisting on "Christ-likeness"
Actually meant ALL of the Attributes Likened to Christ's Nature.
You would have to IMAGINE it,
Because in REALITY,
It doesn't exist...

A Kingdom vs. The Kingdom - Buildings Before Ministry

An Observation...
It is rather amazing
How a pastor's "biblical" theology
Can be magically shaped and inspired 
By a newly constructed edifice,
With large mortgage payments*
So much so, that 3,500 years of Judeo-Christian teaching can be driven and over-turned, by a mere 35 years of Secular Progressive challenges...
It can give a whole new meaning
For the Church as a "non-prophet" organization...
What you win people with
You keep them with
And you win them to
What you are in bondage with
You will seek to enslave others to
'Your god will be their god
Your people their people'
6 The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him. 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.…
Galatians 6:6-8
* Half-informed, personality driven, and adoring crowds are a factor as well...

Christian Subjectivism

Quite simply, there just isn't much light between the prevailing (trendy) practice of "christian" subjectivism (1) and humankind's ancient and inexorable evolution towards self-deification.
(1) The "heart" as our sole authority for humanity to follow God

Celebrating July 4th

In every way that our Sovereign God, led and influenced our Founding Fathers, in the establishment of any goodness and greatness as a nation, as well as the benefits and blessings from it, and that we and the world have enjoyed, let us heartily and joyfully remember and celebrate that this day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Christ-Likeness and Rejection From the World

"Cognitive Dissonance" for many sincere Christians seeking to be authentically Christlike, is the reality:

"That you can do, and be, everything right; that Christ would have you do, and be; and yet the World will still reject what you do and are; as well as Christ..."

Many times, these sincere Christians would simply rather universally blame their own Fellow Believers, Christian Tradition and/or perceived, outmoded Biblical Theology...

Jesus also said this:

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

– John 15:18-19

Contemporary Dissension Within The Church

Notably, the primary and great issue of DISSENSION 
within the Church today, 
ironically enough happens to be: 

"What does it mean for a Christian to be "Christlike?"

And... therein lies our problem...

1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.…

Eph. 4:1-3

21 [I pray Father] that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;…

John 17:21-22

Subjectivism and Chaos


with their respective ideology and worldview, 
are affirmed and afforded 
the opportunity to treat those ideologies and worldviews
as a unifying singularity... ***

In the end: "There Can Be Only One..."

*** sin·gu·lar·i·ty
the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular.
"he believed in the singularity of all cultures"
synonyms: uniqueness, distinctiveness

"the singularity of their concerns..."

SCOTUS: We Must Obey God Rather Than Man

"...We must obey God rather than man."

Acts 5:29

A decade ago Governmental sanction and mandate for Gay Marriage, to be lawfully recognized, had all the appearances of a insurmountable bastion... As of today there is nothing left but the crumbled and smoldering ruins of that sentiment. This new precedent sets the stage for the next assault by the Over-Culture and Social Progressivist Cultural Elites, for this same Mandate to be recognized, followed and enforced, by ALL people, in all places and at all times... Understand, it won't happen tomorrow, but it will happen... And when it does, it will only have become possible because of SCOTUS' decision on Gay Marriage yesterday.

Right now you will hear from some "Social (Biblical?!) Social Justice Christians" and many Social Progressives say pejoratively: "There, there, [regardless how 'hateful' and 'intolerant'] your beliefs and practices on this issue are safe and unassailable... The Constitution protects you..."

Look, Presidents come and go, the Legislative Branch "evolves," and the ideological makeup of SCOTUS Justices change... It's simply naive and pollyannic to believe anything to the contrary... We are in the midst of an inexorable, winner-take-all, worldview battle, that is being won through duplicity, intimidation and sheer will and grit... In addition, as long as they have time, and we lack conviction and resolve, they will win... So, Gird your loins...

If the state eventually moves to coerced marriages for churches on behalf of the LGBTQ demographic, then we will move to a "Matrimonial Blessing Ceremony," following their marriage being solemnized by the state. For many Christians then in view of the Laws of the state and the Laws of God, it will become a two tiered process. The state will legally officiate (we will remove ourselves completely from this equation) the heterosexual marriage and our church will perform the Christian Blessing of it. Our part will not be legally binding, but for many who choose to participate, it will be for them, spiritually binding... Thus, for many of these believers, this two part process, will equate in their hearts, the completion of their matrimonial responsibilities. But I, as well as others like me, will no longer officiate a state sanctioned marriage.

Understand, I recognized that we live in a post-christian world, they can believe and practice as they see fit, but it does not follow that I/we have to assist them. Nor should we be forced to do so...

"...We must obey God rather than man."

Acts 5:29

Let's be clear...

The Over-Culture is saying: "If you (simply) BELIEVE that homosexuality etc. is wrong and sinful, you are not being loving and tolerant."

(Most) Christians who disagree with Homosexuality etc. ARE saying: "We love authenticity those who embrace homosexuality etc. but we still believe it to be wrong and sinful."

This is much of the battle line; and one of which has become inherently obfuscated... Intentionally so by some, and arrived at in an undisciplined fashion by others...

The inability for many Christians to grasp this vital distinction is mind-numbing... and I have to believe largely because of their blind, unwitting and subjective immersion in Social Progressivist ideology. Note: If, in the 1980's, it was inappropriate for Conservative Christians to be too friendly with Political Conservatives, it is most certainly inappropriate (even dire) for Social Justice Christians to be bosom buddies with Social Progressives. Both entities are inherently political.

One of the great victories of Social Progressivism within the church, is to pit the attributes of God, against each othet. E.g. Love vs. Truth; Grace vs. Holiness etc.

Finally, the issue writ large is really much bigger than just whether homosexuality and gay marriage is right or wrong. It is being used quite effectively as a "wedge issue" to alienate and delegitimize the Historic-traditional Christian community from the culture...

Christ-likeness means more than just "Grace," "Love, and "(social) "Justice;" It ALSO means obedience, righteousness and holiness... (Matt 5:18-19). Again, What Social Progressivism and Social Justice Christians have done so well, that is so demonic, is to pit the attributes of God against themselves...

Yesterday's SCOTUS decision was a watershed issue, and a MAJOR victory for the Social Progressivist UNFOLDING AGENDA, that will begin to dramatically change the course of Christian Faith and Practice permanently... It's not about whether we love those who think and practice their sexuality differently than us; but rather whether Christians will be permitted to believe and practice what they have done in a 3 thousand year old tradition... Make no mistake…

An important caveat to my earlier post regarding "Same Sex Marriage."

1. When our culture was dominated by the Judaeo-Christian world-view some decades ago there was in our representational form of government, a compelling and legitimate, "legal" argument against Same-Sex Marriage.

2. Today, ideologically, we live in a "Post Judaeo-Christian" culture; with the dominate worldview being that of "Social Progressivism."

3. Writ large (and this is very complicated) but on the whole, I don't believe that inherently Christian values should be forced legislatively/judicially; or imposed upon a non-Christian people (even if I believe they are better and more healthy); particularly when, through their value structure, they are clearly and openly rejecting them.

4. Importantly, I don't believe that issues like Same Sex Marriage can or should be argued as an inalienable Civil Right, but rather from a representational point of view. If theologically Conservative Christians are going to change the Culture (missionally) then it must be done predominately from the HEART, in theirs as well as others... Christians changed polygamy in other cultures historically, not because they changed laws, but rather because through them, Christ changed their hearts...

5. However, issues represented by the Majority, should not be license for silencing and punishing the Minority (historically this has happened from both sides). Currently the standard practice of conflating sincere and authentic dissent synonymously with "hate" and "intolerance," is quite simply intellectually dishonest and manipulative...

6. Reality: In terms of their final ideological outcomes, Social Progressivism and Christianity (as well as other faiths - not the least of which is Islam), are quite simply mortal enemies... The former seeks to worship an evolving "man-god," while the other seeks to worship a God, who would make (the faithful and obedient) man, like Him...

7. There are two great chasms emerging, (even as I write this, that are becoming deeper, wider and longer), within our culture between: A. Historic-Creedal-Theologically Conservative Christianity and the Culture ideologically dominated by Social Progressivists; B. Historic-Credal-Theologically Christianity and Christians who have syncretized and blended themselves with Social Progressivist Ideology.***

8. Long Range Prognosis for the culture as it pertains to all sides, for so many different and complex reasons... Very Poor... "Gird Your Loins..."

9. Read Ephesians 6... In regards to the "Over-Culture," It explains sooo much...

10. Regardless of what the sin and who the sinner, Christians are called to be obedient when it comes to loving one another, EXACTLY in the fullness, like Christ does and would. There can be no variance or vacillation on this principle...

***Usually through highly selective reading of scripture, as well as privileging certain attributes of Christ against other attributes of Christ. I.e. Christ-likeness means only the exercise of his (e.g.) Love vs His Truth; Grace (Tolerance) vs. His Holiness; Kindness vs. His Law (I.e. A matrix of antinomianism and autonomianism).

Arguing for "Grace"

IRONY: Arguments for "Grace"

In a spirit of patronizing self-righteousness...

The Symbiotic Nature of God's Love and Truth

It is a great Truth
To say the we must Love everyone;
it is equally a great Love

To convey Christ's Truth, to all as well...

Subjectivism and Truth: If Truth "Offends," Then It Cannot Be Truth!

The culture's prevailing moral arguments, regardless of existing authoritative sources; and how they are conveyed:*

1. "If 'The Truth' offends,**
then it cannot be Truth!"


2. "The Truth that "offends," is: ALWAYS judgmental, ungracious, hateful, unloving and un-Christlike...."


3. "Therefore, the ONLY Truths, that are Truly True (and good), are the ones that most affirm the inner perceptions of ourselves; and our perception of any reality outside of ourselves..."

* (Even) Lovingly, Graciously, Kindly, Honestly...

** (Subjectively) Hurts feelings, Disaffirms, Causes Angst, Discourages...


...Christ's "Christlikeness"

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Matthew 10:34-39

(Context: Matthew 10:16-39)

Christian Subjectivism and Self-Deification

Quite simply, there just isn't much light between the prevailing (trendy) practice of "christian" subjectivism (1) and humankind's ancient and inexorable evolution towards self-deification.

(1) The "heart" as our sole authority for humanity to follow God

Subjectivism, Truth and Compassion

Regardless of the shooshing assurances from the Over-Culture...
It is is neither normal, nor healthy to
"Feel" with our Minds,
And To Think with our "Hearts."

Not unless of course, we desire a (chaotic) New World Order...


When will we ever figure out
That the steadfast compromising of Truth
In the name of "Compassion"
Makes "Demons" of us all

And that steadfast compromising of Compassion
In the name of "Truth"
Makes "Gods" of us all?

Rather, to be like Christ necessarily means living in a balanced, albeit painful crucible; faithfully exercising the steadfast praxis of

of Truth and Love, and Love and Truth...

Christian Observance of July 4th.

In every way that our Sovereign God,
led and influenced our Founding Fathers,
in the establishment of any goodness and greatness as a nation,
as well as the benefits and blessings from it,
and that we and the world have enjoyed,

let us heartily and joyfully remember and celebrate that this day!

Greed, Power and Hedonism

Greed Should Not Be Conflated With Power
But Rather With Hedonism
With The Pursuit of Power
Being The Far Greater Danger...

Because The Selfish Coalescence of Power
Has Far More To Do With Self-Deification

Nevertheless, The "Benevolent" Facilitating Of Hedonism
Does Make For A Effective Distraction and Smoke Screen

For Those Who Seek To Consolidate Their Power...

Keeping Contemporary Biblical Theology... Uh... Practical...

An Observation...

It is rather amazing
How a pastor's "biblical" theology
Can be magically shaped and inspired
By a newly constructed edifice,
With large mortgage payments*

So much so, that 3,500 years of Judeo-Christian teaching can be driven and over-turned, by a mere 35 years of Secular Progressive challenges...

It can give a whole new meaning
For the Church as a "non-prophet" organization...

What you win people with
You keep them with
And you win them to

What you are in bondage with
You will seek to enslave others to

'Your god will be their god
Your people their people'

6 The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him. 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.…

Galatians 6:6-8

* Half-informed, personality driven, and adoring crowds are a factor as well...

Abusing Grace...

Grace" does not mean: Freedom to ignore, and/or break "The Law."

Grace means: Getting What You Don't Deserve (As an unearned And unentitled gift) even after you Have Broken The Law.

The problem if we despise God's Grace, when we willfully continue to break The Law...

4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

7 Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8 But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.

Hebrews 6:4-8

26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Hebrews 10:26-31

Christians and Our Imaginary World...


Where the Person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel
Are NEVER perceived as offensive.

Where all Non-Believers
Are ALWAYS "Truly Sincere."

Where the effects of the Fall
Resulted EXCLUSIVELY in Human "Brokenness,"
And not "Depravity."

Where the effects of the Fall
Resulted EXCLUSIVELY in Human "Depravity,"
And not "Brokenness."

Where Christians who "Fail" the World,
Did so, ONLY because they did not demonstrate enough
"Love" and "Grace."

Where Christians who "Fail," the World,
Did so ONLY because they did not teach
Eternal "Truths" and "Holiness."

Where insisting on "Christ-likeness"
Actually meant ALL of the Attributes Likened to Christ's Nature.

You would have to IMAGINE it,
Because in REALITY,
It does not Exist... 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Subjective Nature of Psychology and What It Means to be "Healthy"

The impact of psychology upon our cultural milieu over the last century can hardly be over-estimated...

That being said...

It should cause most of us some concern and even caution, when considering that the closest most psychologists can come to an "Absolute Truth" or "Universal Standard," is their idea of:

They always work towards, and want you, and what you do, to be ah... "Healthy."

Moreover, in most cases when they are counseling you, they are only too delighted when they can get YOU to intrinsically define what "Healthy" is for you...

"Healthy," as a professionally guided, self-defined, relatively constructed "Truth" and "Absolute."

Think about it...

What Do We Call Haters of Men?

If someone can justifiably be described as a "misogynist;" [hater of women], then there are those who can justifiably be described (quite literally) as a "misanthropist" [miso = hatred; anthrop = man; ist = practitioner/producer]

And maybe many more, than what we are willing to admit...

Dumbing Down "Courage" and "Hero"

It is rather unfortunate that we have so sorely dumbed down words like "courage," and "hero." Tragically, they have been neutered; and rendered almost meaningless because of the "Over Culture's" incessant attachment of them, as a means for legitimizing heavily propped up and fragile cultural icons.

If we really want an idea of true Courage and actual Heroes, look no further than those who fought against the Evil and Tyrannical Axis Powers; not the least of which was Nazi Germany...

The video attachment below is an edited scene from the film: Saving Private Ryan. The opening Omaha Beach segment is regarded by most military veterans as the most realistic battle scene ever captured in the history of Hollywood cinematography. These are accurate depictions of what true Courage and Heroes looked like.

Warning: Graphic Violence

Truth and Love Out of Balance - Makes Us Demons or "Gods"

When will we ever figure out
That the steadfast compromising of Truth
In the name of "Compassion"
Makes "Demons" of us all

And that steadfast compromising of Compassion
In the name of "Truth"
Makes "Gods" of us all?

Rather, to be like Christ necessarily means living in a balanced, albeit painful crucible; faithfully
exercising the steadfast praxis
of Truth and Love, and Love and Truth...

The Great Ruse: The Consolidation of Power, for the Control of Wealth, in Order to Establish a More "Just" Society...

If I had to be subject to Persons:
Whose primary ambition was Greed
Or a person whose inexorable instinct was to accrue Power

I would gladly choose the one who pursued Greed

They are much less dangerous...

Greed as a Vice, is rather primitive, highly predictable and monochromatic. True, it is always hungry, but for the sake of it's own survival, it must serve and self-regulate...

Power as a Vice however, is manipulative, inexhaustible, and a veritable kaleidoscope of a myriad pulsating Vices, for which Greed is simply one of many. It is insatiably ravenous; and for the sake of it's own survival and growth, it must seek and have absolute control...


The person of Greed, merely yearns to multiply their assets, by the lessening of your resources, as a whole...


The unrequited person of Power, cannot be satisfied with anything less, than the voracious consummation and control of everything, including your soul.

Which begs the question:

"Why do we want more and bigger government?"

Are we actually naive enough to believe that an oligarchy of broken, deeply flawed and motivationally conflicted human beings, can virtuously ensure the eternal ideal, of a lasting "Justice;" through the unwittingly surrender of Power to them?

Do we truly not understand that in a culture devoid of Absolutes that: "In the name of 'Justice!'" anything can be justified?*

A coalition of diverse power from among the many, is infinitely better, than the consolidation of power from among the few...

Do not be fooled by the argument regarding the evils of mere wealth for establishing lasting "Justice;" but rather, be sobered by intoxicating affects for those who desire power and thus control.

They intrinsically desire to be gods...

Satan's unjust heavenly obsession was never wealth, it was Power... Driven by Pride and enhanced with Selfishness.

Satan seeks Power to be God...

Jesus however, surrendered Power to become man, to save man... (Phil 2:7)

"For it was for this end
that the Word of God was made man,
and He who was the Son of God
became the Son of man,
that man, having been taken into the Word,
and receiving the adoption,
might become the son of God."

Irenaeus - Against the Heresies

*Note: The overwhelming preponderance of history disputes this Utopian Ideal. There are some exceptions in history, but they are very rare, and rather short-lived.  

Genesis 3:46

…4 The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.…          

Matthew 4:8-9

…8 Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; 9and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."

Conforming our Desires To Truth, or Conforming Truth to our Desires

“Either we conform our desires to the truth or we conform the truth to our desires.” - Os Guinness

And this is exactly the monumental switch that has taken place in our culture beginning with the 1960's...

In short, we have tragically and dangerously shifted our behavioral orientation from being rooted in "Objective Truth"(1) to that of "Subjective Truth." (2)

Clearly there have been times in our global past, when those who claimed to hold and exercise (abused) "Objective Truth," did so as a devil incarnate. But there will come a time, when those who perpetuate "Subjective Truth,” (3) will unleash an entire Hell of Devils... And what could be more terrifying and destructive than the representational free reign of a congress of personal demons?

(1) Immutable and eternal principles around which individuals in a society conform themselves.

(2) An emerging, personal principle and/or belief; of an individual or small group of people, to which the entire society must conform.

(3) I can't go there now in terms of it's wide-ranging and comprehensive implications...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Honesty With Our Sin...

If my sinfulness appears to me 
to be in any way smaller or less detestable 
in comparison with the sins of others, 
I am still not recognizing my sinfulness at all. ... 
How can I possibly serve another person in unfeigned humility 
if I seriously regard his sinfulness as worse than my own?

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer in "Life Together"

The Near Future of the Church

The cultural trends and current trajectory for the local church that will endure, strongly indicates that it's participants will only get smaller, but more core-committed; less programmatic but more relationally organic; minimally corporate but more familial; intentionally counter-cultural ideologically and missiological; priestly and prophetic; theologically conservative and orthodox in it's praxis; teaches and lives Christ as Savior and Lord, as well as Prophet, Priest and King; exists peacefully with the tension of Truth and Love, Justice and Grace; is apolitical but socio-politically astute in regard to worldview; led by pastors who can seamlessly live Life and Faith among their people; and finally: is lovingly submissive enough to sacrifice "the blood of her martyrs as the seed of the Church" (Tertullian) - in order to be a more perfect Bride of Christ...

Conviction and Absolutes

When I was a full-time professor, I found it necessary, to teach my students to question convictions; that they held, and were absolutely sure of...

Then, when I became a full-time pastor, I found it necessary, to teach my parishioners conviction for absolutes; with surety, and held without question...

The former was necessary in order to uncover Truth...

The latter is necessary to cover in Truth...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Good Friday Meditation

"… In the day you eat from it... you will be like God…” Genesis 3:5
“… Who told you that you were naked?” Genesis 3:11

"... He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Genesis 3:15
"... The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6
"... I am poured out like water, And all my bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It is melted within me. Psalm 22:14
“… Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"* Matt: 27:46
"... Jesus said, "It is finished."** John 19:30
* I.e. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
** I.e. "Paid in full"

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Truth, Friendships and Surrender Obedience to Christ

The conventional wisdom of our day, even within many Christian circles, 
Blithely advances the truism:

“That there is no Truth worthy enough 
For which one should ever risk the loss of a friendship,
Or surrender the sense of belonging, to a community for…”
Those who support this kind of thought could not be more perilously wrong...

For there is no clearer path towards utter idolatry
Nor an easier route that will lead to chaos;

Than the one lined with friends,
Or that courses through a community...
That for the sake of “relationships,”

Affirms and gives permission, for the belief in almost anything...

Loving friendship and surrendered obedience to Christ is the nonnegotiable canon…

There is a unyielding difference between loving those fully, like Christ loves
And “loving others,” despite the nature of Christ…

Scriptural Encouragement:

6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
John 14:6
23 And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. 24 "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it…
Luke 9:23-24
4You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: "He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us"?…
James 4:4-5

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Problem With Perception...

The problem with perception of almost anything is that when we do perceive something,we erroneously see it  as existing in a static universe. It is never that... All things exist on continuums, that are headed either in a life-giving, or a life-taking trajectory. 

So... when someone says, "All that we want is "C," they often fail to realize that "C" is part of a continuum that will eventually lead to "Z." If "Z" is good, no problem, however, if "Z" is bad, then "C" may not be helpful... The whole of natural and human history supports this... 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

When It Can't Be Grace or Truth...

It can't be "Grace"
If it requires that you surrender "Truth."
It can't be "Truth"
If it requires that you can't apply "Grace."
Regardless of their existential poignancy individually...
If either is applied, devoid or unbalanced from the other,
Then what they become most is heresy...

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Morphing of WWJD

In the 1990s, A youth group leader in Holland, Michigan, named Janie Tinklenberg, began a grassroots movement to help the teenagers in her group remember the phrase; it spread nationwide in the 1990s among Christian youth, who wore bracelets bearing the initials W.W. J. D. (Wikipedia)***

Who knew that this iconic phrase and acronym, would eventually become so endemic to the Christian sub-culture, that it would eventually help to launch the most common and divisive effort, for the right biblical interpretation of: "Who Jesus is..." of our time?

There are few things biblically, that contemporary Christians struggle with more, than to be unified around this simple, yet eloquent, question: "What would Jesus do?"

A Lion and/or Sheep

Especially if it is: "The Lion of Judah."
"I am not afraid 
of an army of lions
led by a sheep; 
I am afraid
of an army of sheep
led by a lion."
Alexander the Great

Not Synonymous - Relevant vs. Relative

When I worked as a Youth Minister for 16 years and taught Youth Ministry in Higher Education for 8 years, I always talked about the missiological principle of being "Relevant" in our Post-Christian and now, Post-Modern Culture.
Being "relevant" however is not the same as being "relative."
The unseemly project of Christian ingratiation to the world, in the name of GRACE, has moved many of us from being helpfully relevant to unashamedly "relative," in our exegesis and theology... For the most current example see: "Rob Bell."
Many are quite simply promising the world, far more than the Bible, or our theological historical tradition, can EVER deliver...