Thursday, June 11, 2015

Conforming our Desires To Truth, or Conforming Truth to our Desires

“Either we conform our desires to the truth or we conform the truth to our desires.” - Os Guinness

And this is exactly the monumental switch that has taken place in our culture beginning with the 1960's...

In short, we have tragically and dangerously shifted our behavioral orientation from being rooted in "Objective Truth"(1) to that of "Subjective Truth." (2)

Clearly there have been times in our global past, when those who claimed to hold and exercise (abused) "Objective Truth," did so as a devil incarnate. But there will come a time, when those who perpetuate "Subjective Truth,” (3) will unleash an entire Hell of Devils... And what could be more terrifying and destructive than the representational free reign of a congress of personal demons?

(1) Immutable and eternal principles around which individuals in a society conform themselves.

(2) An emerging, personal principle and/or belief; of an individual or small group of people, to which the entire society must conform.

(3) I can't go there now in terms of it's wide-ranging and comprehensive implications...

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