Saturday, February 11, 2012


There are those in history who "loved" a "truth" so much,

They burned others at the stake (in this world),

Because "THE TRUTH" of those burned, did not reflect their mere "love."


There are those in history whose "truth" exemplified only "love,"

Unwittingly staking others to be burned (in the netherworld),

Because their MERE LOVE, wasn't reflective enough of "The Truth"

TRUTH without LOVE is like a dry river bed; it gives direction but no life.

LOVE without TRUTH is like a vast swamp land; it has plenty of life, but no direction.


LOVE and TRUTH are like a wide river valley, plenty of life on both sides, while still providing direction.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges for the Christ-Follower,
Is striking the constant, circumstantially-driven,

Elliptical Balance,
Of practicing the

The LOVE of Christ's TRUTH,

For the TRUTH of Christ's LOVE

The greatest heresies in history
Are Always some contextually driven form,

Of privileging one of these dynamics
(Truth or Love)

Exclusively over the other...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Why “Theodicy” Exists Based on Moral and Ethical Decisions

It is both an ancient and present truth, that when a man exercises his autonomy, making a choice that ends beneficially, then from his vantage point, it was because of what he did; and concludes that God was not necessary... However, when that man exercises the same autonomy, making a choice that ends poorly, and then he concludes God is at fault; because God didn’t protect him from the consequences of the choice he made.

We encourage God to be absent when we make choices that bring us pleasure; but we blame God when He isn't present to protect us from choices that cause us pain.

We don't want to be INFORMED by God about HOW to choose, we only want to be PROTECTED by God, regardless of WHAT we choose.
Unlimited power held by those without character,

Is characterized in those

Who Would exercise power without limits.