Monday, December 30, 2013

"What Would Jesus Do? Really?!

It is quite a dangerous thing to ask the question: "What would Jesus do?" Without reverent consideration of Jesus, and His holiness as God.

Without Jesus being BORN/BORNE it is impossible to live...

Two thousand years ago Jesus was BORN in Bethlehem

My sins were BORNE by Jesus' suffering on the Cross

About 1,960 years later, I was BORN into this world.

For almost 11 years my sins were BORNE by myself... and desperately alone... 

Amazingly about 43 years ago, I was BORN-again in Christ.

Today I can say with some confidence that I have BORNE Jesus in my heart for four-fifths of my life!

For others to be BORN-again, His message must be BORNE authentically, in our lives and on our lips, to them. 

Without Jesus being BORN/BORNE it is impossible to live... 

Have a blessed Christmas Day!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

More Than Grace - Truth AND Grace

Our error, it would appear,

Is that today we see God

Almost exclusively through the lone

Monocled lens called "GRACE,"

Rather than the historic-biblical and binocular lenses

Of "TRUTH" and"GRACE."

The former fixes us solely in the empathetic 

"SUBJECTIVE" experience, 

Of the here and now. 

Whereas the latter is "OBJECTIVE" - 

Providing depth perception....

A panoramic and longitudinal view

Of the present, as well as the future... 

Truth and/or Love

Love collectively practiced as Truth, facilitates Empatheticism and then Chaos 

Truth exclusively practiced as the highest Love, facilitates Lawism and then Bondage

The ultimate Heresy is: TRUTH and LOVE as synonymous

The ultimate Orthodoxy: the presence of TRUTH and LOVE as distinct, and in full complementary balance, otherwise known as SHALOM...  

There has been a FALL and there is a FALLING... It is the inexorable nature of The Fall to facilitate Dis-Integration and/or Borderlessness... 

It is the Person of Christ and His work on the Cross to Facilitate the RESTORATION of all things to their proper place, function and balance...

How are we doing?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Orthodoxy - Not "Either Or, But "Both/And!"

It will be the unique distinction for many Christians of this generation, who believe that:

“Authenticity in Christ”

Partnered with Progressivism’s “Social Justice”

Are the holistically and virtually the same thing…

In this relatively new matrix:

The “Need for Christ” is replaced by the “Model of Christ.”

What is emphasized is the “Brokenness of Humanity” over the “Depravity of Humanity.”

- The Saviourship of Christ means freedom from Suffering and Oppression.

- The Lordship of Christ becomes a theology of Piety and Poverty.

Commitment to “Good Works” is elevated over the Conviction of “Falleness and Sin.”

The “Holiness of God” is neutered under the “Guise of Grace.”

“Humanity Completes” the Kingdom of God vs. God’s eschatological and “Sovereign Inbreaking” and Establishment of it.

The "Exceptionalism" of Jesus Christ is relegated to the "Personal Choice Pantheon" of Worldviews.

The Lukan “Sermon on the Mount” replaces “Christ on the Cross.”

On these issues, Dualism's are almost always bad and therefore, Biblical orthodoxy demands the hard work of “Both/And” and not “Either/Or.”