Monday, August 17, 2009

A Response To J.D. Prose Beaver County Times

Debate On Healthcare

There is a difference between being an informed political pundit and an ideologically blind propagandist J.D. Prose's (Beaver County Times Editorial 8/9/09) shrill and condescending diatribe against those not supporting government sponsored healthcare was only slightly less offensive than his arrogant check-your-brains—I-know-it-all(ism). Counterpoints to J.D. Prose:

  • There are 37 million Americans and 10 million illegal aliens who ostensibly lack health care. Free (Public Option) Healthcare invites millions more…
  • There're millions of young, healthy, mostly single, amply employed adults who intentionally opt out of healthcare, they could otherwise afford.
  • The World Heath Organization's antiquated study (2000) is often considered faulty because it failed to compare apples to apples and is ideologically driven (leftist) – their research template is no longer used.
  • (Big) Government can't be trusted with social programs. Tricare aside, consider the scary, teetering status of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Prose astutely avoids how to pay for Government Healthcare – in July, Government borrowed $6 Billion dollars a day for maintenance; and Federal Government income is down 18% so far this year!
  • There is no Obama mandate
    visa viz. the Presidential election - people liked what Obama said during the election, but not the reality of what he meant by it, as President now.

Rich Grassel –

Ambridge Pa

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