Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Thoughts On The New Healthcare Law - Ok, Its A Bit of a Rant!

In Light of Government Healthcare Reform: There is no EMPIRICAL evidence that it works. NONE! There are no real firm FISCAL figures! NONE! How about Democratic TRANSPARENCY? NONE! Effort for real BIPARTISANSHIP? NONE! Chance that Reid & Pelosi intend to stop without pursuing Universal Single Payer Healthcare? NONE! UNBIASED Elite Media in their reporting? NONE! That the AVERAGE AMERICAN has actually taken the time to carefully think through the precedents socially and economically of the Healthcare Bill? NONE! That PA Democrats who will survive this Fall? NONE!

"The nose of the Camel is now underneath the tent." The intent by the Democrats is to have the entire Camel in the tent, with us... Here are my thoughts:

1. When 32 million people - about 17 million of which are young singles - many of whom opt out to pocket the extra cash, become dependent, there will be no turning back...

In addition, this is not a static number... as time goes by and young adults mature they will have to be added...

2. In response to the claim that there will be lower health insurance premiums: How can you tell Insurance Companies that they now have to do the following:

a. Sign on dependents up to age 26

b. Ban limits on life-time coverage

c. Not deny people for pre-existing conditions

d. Insure 32 million people who were heretofore not insured

Where will this EXTRA money come from? We are talking billions upon billions of dollars - ad infinitum.... To borrow a line from President Obama: "Let me be clear..." Its not that we shouldn't be compassionate about all the above... its the HOW and the WAY we get to it that matters...

Point: Insurance Companies (who's average profit margin is 4%) will have to pass those costs on to you and me...

Now follow this...

For two full-time staff people we pay almost $1,900.00 A MONTH for Health Insurance. If our Insurance Premiums go up to say $2,800 - $3,200 A MONTH, then Non-profit groups like ours may say: "To heck with it! we can't pay this... We are dropping our Healthcare Insurance benefit for employees, pay the $800.00 PER YEAR fine for each individual and let the Federal Government do the rest - THROUGH OUR TAX DOLLARS... We now become dependent forever, like those other 32 million, on the Federal Government. Washington bureaucrats increasingly will now become responsible for the decisions related to our personal decisions related to healthcare.


In the end, you and I will be paying for the uninsured BY PROXY, through Higher Insurance Premiums... Largely without the government having to officially tax Individuals and Families. It's a beautiful thing isn't it? The real taxes will be passed on to those making more than $250,000.00 per year, who already pay about 50% in taxes already... Note: The bottom 45% of all income makers pay NO INCOME TAX AT ALL... AND MOST GET WHAT IS CALLED: "AN EARNED INCOME TAX BENEFIT" TRANSLATION: the Federal Gov't gives them money, in the form of a tax return, for not making enough money...

3. Special Interest Groups - you know the groups that the Administration regularly attacks, as if they are completely innocent themselves, play a huge role here... In the Form of NO TORT REFORM... Billions of dollars are spent every year in defensive medicine and frivolous law suits... but because of the Obama Administration's, er, um how shall we say this: "night-time companions" - Did you know that the Trial Lawyers Special Interest Group, are exempt from any complicity in the burgeoning cost of Health Care.

4. For the first time in the History of the United States... You and I are being required to buy something very personal against our wishes by the government... This is the essence of socialism... Sorta like the Obama Administration saying: "GM Auto is to big to fail, the anyone seeking to purchase a new car will have to buy from GM only." This of course could never happen because the Autoworker Union would never permit something like that down the road ... Right?

5. Getting back to my original post: There is NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE that Government sponsored Healthcare Works well. Not in Russia, China, all of Europe or even Canada. For example: In Canada, if you need an MRI you will wait almost a month, but your CAT can get one the NEXT DAY!!!

This whole process has been smoke and mirrors, dis-ingenious, intellectually dishonest and yes even a bit evil. And the part that the Elite Media has played on this is a violation of everything that has to do with what Journalism is supposed to be... they really ought to rename themselves either PRAVDA or TASS...

1 comment:

TeeJay said...

I love your comments... but please save some rant for year's end, and let's vote these charlatans OUT!