Saturday, October 4, 2008

Media Fairness – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

There are many who continue to be disgusted by the Media's bias regarding the Presidential race... The McClatchy News Paper/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette included! The same questions aimed at Sarah Palin could just as easily be asked of Barack Obama, but where have they been? Amazingly, it seemed as if Obama was coronated by the Media as President of the United States [virtually ipso facto], the day he won the election as a Senator, in November of 2004. At issue here is the responsibility to report truth and reality objectively and fairly - for both political parties. It is not under the Media's purview to shape the facts in order to affect any political outcome.

If Sarah Palin had committed the same kinds of gaffes that Joe Biden did in Thursday's debate; if she had demonstrated the same poor command of the "facts" and/or perceived as intentionally misleading the audience - those comments would have been splashed in BOLD PRINT on the front page of every print media in the nation; and in like manner CROWED from the roof tops of virtually every electronic media outlet in the country. Instead, the media's response was to provide merciful silence for Joe Biden's astounding "mis-statements;" and then conversely provide patronizing comments about Palin's "folksy" demeanor; followed by snarky indictments regarding her intelligence and preparedness.

Biden did indeed APPEAR to have a bit more detail and substance, but how valuable is that if many of his policy-oriented facts are wrong? Since when, and in what universe were accurate facts ever not important for being qualified for ANYTHING (See Editorial Page, Oct. 4th)? Given the clear and overwhelming media bias in favor of Obama/Biden, why should the Obama camp need to raise millions of dollars to purchase air time, and print space to advance their cause?

The Elite Media – is the singular most powerful institution in American culture, with the least amount of accountability. They are driven by their subjective worldviews and advertising dollars; and their complicity in shaping American elections is barely subtle. Americans can hold them more accountable than what they do. I will begin first by canceling my subscription to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


Matthew said...

Hey Rich,

What (in your opinion) is the least biased place for information when it comes to television news? Print news?

It seems that it is very difficult to find a news source that is capable of presenting facts without first filtering it through their own lenses and filters.


Ricky... said...


It is VERY difficult to find an objective news source. Pure objectivity is impossible. Given that, then at least both sides should be given equal time and effort. To be honest, that is why I like Hannity and Colmes. I get both sides of the issue. While, I tend to be more conservative (Moderate), I appreciate what Colmes brings to the discussion. I don't always agree with Hannity either.

One more thing, there is a difference between missing the facts and ignoring and/or distorting the facts. This is what I think much of the mainline, elite media does. If anyone does the research, they will find that the OVERWHELMING percentage of the print and electronic media [they] describe themselves as liberal in their political and social commitments. Thanks for your comments and questions!