Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Christians, Social Progressivism and the Culture War 2.0 -Prosecuted by The Culture Elites

My Apologetic... 

HUMANLY speaking: If the severity of God's "JUSTICE" isn't a true and ever present certainty, then the beauty of God's "GRACE" can't be an ever true and meaningful reality. DIVINELY speaking: JUSTICE and GRACE are eternal and irreducible divine attributes - THE celestial polestar points on an equally balanced axis. To marginalize the function of one is to compromise the nature of the other....

The reality is for many Christians who have ministered in good faith, that we have nearly reached the saturation point of how we can "creatively" apply authentic  "love" and "grace." We have virtually exhausted, what can be negotiated away, in terms of "truth" and "holiness".... And still much of the world will not be satisfied... Before us lays the yawning maw of pan unipolarism, and most of the world will not be pleased until we willingly cast ourselves into it... 

Many of us in the name of "ministry," have lost our way within the current cultural mileu, on behalf of "church growth," "relevance," "missiology" and "tolerance," we have erred too much in who we have tried to satisfy the most... We have tried too much to be "effective," when what the world needs to experience is the hard work of the full person and praxis of Jesus...  Christ on the Cross cannot be substituted for the exclusivity of the Sermon on the Mount. Indeed, it is impossible without the Cross...

The biblical text informs us that believers inescapably belong to the LORD, and our task is to ontologically and faithfully be conformed to the fullness of His image (Grace AND Truth), so that we can naturally do the things that Jesus would do, if he were us, in the here and now... Metaphorically speaking we must be both Hosea and Amos, not just Amos... 

I freely confess my own complicity on these issues... And I will repent... For what it's worth, I cannot negotiate away any more of the truth of Christ on behalf of what many mistake for (they think should be) free and unfettered grace... I want to be fully and completely both... 

On these things I will no longer waver... I hope that you will all understand...

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