Friday, April 11, 2014

Our Christian Witness: To Be Missiological or Relevant?

For two thousand years faithful Christians have been rather adept at penetrating and impacting a myriad of cultures globally - learning how to transcend language, custom and social mores values; while at the same time keeping their foundational biblical and theological moorings. 

Clearly, their have been some bumps, bruises and tragic abuses... but overall, the Church experienced tremendous success in advancing the Kingdom of God, with its primary emphasis on the Centrality of Christ on the Cross, and then secondarily being Christ's love to others, in their need, while in this world. 

Historically Christians endured tremendous pressure throughout history to conform, in order to be relevant. It was certainly true for the believers in Galatia, when it came to the Judaizers. It was true in Colossi with the pressure that came from those "Believers" who worshipped Angels and participated in mystery religions (See Hebrews on this as well). To say nothing of how Jesus was expected to conform to the "Tradition of the Elders" (Later known as the Mishnah), over, and even against the Mosaic Law... which is why He was ultimately killed by them, on the charge of blasphemy. But He would not surrender, nor should we... 

The pressure by the world for Christians to conform falls under the adage: "There is nothing new under the sun." 

Today, many in the church have traded the time honored  "missiological approach" for a "ministry of relevancy" 

"Missiological Christianity" means taking the core Truths of the Christian faith, and faithfully learn how "in Christ" to make them living and accessible to the surrounding culture, through orthodox teaching and benevolent living. These people tend to stand UNDER the scriptures. 

"Relevant Christianity" is asking the surrounding culture their advice and permission, apologizing on behalf of Christ, about what Truth's they will accept about the faith, and the best way that it can made available without the danger of offending anyone... These people tend to stand OVER, or at best BESIDE the scriptures... 

I get both... To some degree I participated in both... Higher Education can do that to you... But upon reflection and more life experience... I'll take the missiological approach...

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