Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Humanist Christian

Regardless of their sincerity,
The most tragic and unwitting
Heretic of them all
Is the humanist*** Christian. 

There is no more subtle, well intended and seemingly innocuous, form of

Self-deification than this...


***"Humanist." In general, as a derivative of "humanism" (any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity PREDOMINATE). Thus, this is a person 1. Who is motivated by strong interest in, or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity; and 2. The primary (humanist) lens through which they interpret and leverage scripture (often standing over scripture vs. standing under it); and 3. How they understand (in syncretized fashion) God's primary relationship with humankind. The humanist Christian is a person who has amalgamated two ideological systems (Humanism and Christianity) into a unified whole... 

At the heart of it, they believe in the steady progress of humanity; that the progressive project of humanity supersedes all other worldview claims; and that reason, logic and compassion are the means by which we further mature as a species; finally that anthropomorphizing Jesus/God in their image, with their values is what God would have them do... This is an emerging demographic I believe...

I have had extensive and numerous conversations with quite a few people who fit this description... People who are highly intelligent and articulate, and as such, a very real concern in terms of their influence on numerous, less aware believers... Historically, it has always been hotly contentious on what the essence or core of Christianity is in relationship to God. But in my life-time, from my perspective and experience, never as much as there is now. I see it in the pews, on social media and throughout our culture... Virulent forms of Social Progressivism have finally matured and are present in every major institution in our culture, powerfully influencing every ideological system... We would be wise to pay attention ...

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