Friday, September 19, 2014

Three Dynamics of Pan-Unipolarism

Things that I have been thinking... Your thoughts?
Three Dynamics of Pan-Unipolarism:***
Dynamic One:

Focuses on the significant EMPHASIS, AFFIRMATION and MANDATE that is placed on CULTURAL EQUALIZATION AND DIVERSITY, particularly as it relates to religious worldviews and philosophical ideologies - most notably as found prominently within institutions like Higher Education, The Media and Politics...
However, the fact that WE SHOULD ALL BE WILLING to think and act in this manner (I.e. Expected/Must/Mandated) is a primary nonnegotiable of what is Pan Unipolarism...
Dynamic Two:
The pervasive insistence that almost all religious worldviews and ideologies, AT THEIR CORE, ARE REALLY THE SAME EXISTENTIALLY - That STYLE differences between religious faiths, should not be confused or conflated with what is believed to be the truly meaningful and redemptive SUBSTANCE similarities between religious faiths.
Thus, to establish this equivalency will require historical redaction, social engineering through education, strategic coercion and a lot of patience and patronization.
However, it is important to note that at this point, there is not any sort of "centralized command," or collective national conspiracy; but rather a system of sympathetic institutional and ideological tributaries, that are all collectively feeding into a single cultural pond.
This dynamic of comprehensive, macro "sameness" is already very much in play.
Dynamic Three:
The Socio-Political insistence, that the steadfast pursuit of "HUMAN PROGRESS AND ITS ULTIMATE EVOLUTIONARY FULFILLMENT, must be the dominate principle of all human endeavors - confidently correlating it as the highest enlightened pursuit and calling that any culture could possibly practice. Notably, "Human Progress" is defined and it's distinctive particulars are DICTATED BY THE OMNIPRESENCE AND RATIONALIZED POWER OF THE STATE (regional then eventually global).
In effect, this human endeavor is designed (ostensibly) to transcend societal evils like: sexism, racism, tribalism, nationalism, capitalism, socio-economic status, and religious meta-narratives.
Any philosophical and religious expression, or portions thereof, that affirm the above, are summarily amalgamated and syncretized in, as part of the emerging (and eventually what will become the dominate) Pan-Unipolarism narrative; and anything (as well as anyone) that will not affirm all of the above, will eventually, and summarily marginalized, and then edited out...
***Everyone at all times and in all places must think, believe and value the same predetermined things at all times..."
I might add this doesn't necessarily apply to the minutiae in life, but rather broad, but compelling principles...

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